BCAA Supplements, What's the Point?

Over the last 6 months, I have been trying to grow stronger by lifting weights. At first, it was difficult to develop a habit, but now it is necessary. I don’t feel very good if I don’t get to go to the gym every day. Prior to these 6 months of consistent gym attendance, I had lifted weights before especially during my participation in various sports teams. As a result, I have a pretty solid understanding of the pros and cons of different proteins, pre-workouts, and supplements. However, recently I learned a lot about BCAA’s.

BCAA’s is an abbreviation for Branched-Chain Amino Acid. There are very distinct and special benefits to BCAA supplements that you can’t get from your typical proteins or pre-workouts.
  1.  BCAA’s stimulate protein synthesis
  2. Reduce the rate of protein decomposition
  3. Increase effectiveness of workout as increases slower onset of tiredness
  4. BCAA’s enter directly into the bloodstream and give quick energy to the body without digestion.

Having gained a better understanding of the benefits of BCAA supplements, yesterday I bought BCAA supplements. I will keep track of my progression and heed special attention to the expected benefits of BCAA’s to see if it is really worth the price.


  1. That's very interesting I didn't know any of that before! Historically I do pretty well at going to the gym, but not so good at making sure I get all the nutrients that I need. You will have to let me know how it goes, I'm interesting in hearing about the results!


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