NEVER Rent from Outdoors Unlimited!

After mountain biking for the first time two weeks ago, I realized I had caught the itch. Over this past weekend, my friends and I decided to go mountain biking again. We decided to go to Fruita, Colorado. It was a lot of fun and we had a great time! My post today, however, is not about biking even though it was a blast!
We took a friend of ours that had never been mountain biking before. He didn’t have a bike so we thought it would be a good idea to all chip in to rent him a bike from Outdoors Unlimited. We called beforehand and they told us that it was going to cost us $30.

After driving three and a half hours to Fruita and biking less than one mile on the trail, the derailleur on the bike we rented snapped. So, the bike that we paid for proved to be a waste.

In our minds, we felt that Outdoors Unlimited owed us a refund as their equipment was assembled poorly and did not serve the purpose for which it was rented.

Not only did we not get a refund, but they ended up charging us for the broken part, even though they know we weren’t the ones that caused the bike to break. In total, they charged me $110.

Never again will I rent anything from Outdoors Unlimited. It is a shame to me that BYU is associated with a company with such poor business practices.

I would strongly recommend to anyone interested in renting any bike equipment or any outdoor to look elsewhere. I will never do business with this company ever again!!


  1. It is unfortunate that they would have policies like that. Eventually it is going to come back to them and be negative because they will lose business.

  2. I will take your advice and never rent from them! It really is too bad that they have such a bad policy as that. I've had to deal with cheap companies before and they aren't any good. It's not a good business model and it will catch up to them.


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