Are You Sure You Want To Delete?
I think I made a big mistake. I was rushing to get my website hosted on my domain before the deadline for my Information Systems Class and I accidently added my html folder straight to the general file upload directory instead of the public html. When I realized my mistake, I just clicked delete. And it sent me a message saying something along the lines of, “Are you sure you want to delete instead of put into trash as it will be deleted forever.” I thought it would just delete it from the BYU Domains site and not off my computer. While trying to upload my website, I noticed I didn’t have some of my html files anymore. I have all of my .css files but not my html files. As a result of this mistake, I ended up not going to sleep till 7:30 in the morning. I learned a very valuable lesson. ALWAYS SAVE YOUR WORK! Furthermore, it is not a bad idea to consider backing up all of your data. I know last night it would have been worth its weight in gold. I know in th...
That seems like a super rad trip! I'm jealous!