This week I learned something I didn’t expect to learn, and certainly didn’t hope to learn. I learned that recording one of your best friend’s proposals can be a very difficult task. As silly as it might sound, it proved to be very challenging at times especially when one would think it would run smoothly.

              Before I delve into the details of our difficulties, I want to preface it with the things we did accomplish. My friend’s fiancé had no idea that it was coming, she was surprised, and we were able to get multiple videos and pictures from multiple angles to record this priceless moment forever.

              Since we were trying to keep it a secret, we could never talk about it openly when she was present (which happened to be a lot that week). We ended up not being able to begin planning the concrete details till 3 in the morning the night before! To get a better idea of our options, my friends decided it was a good idea to take a trip to the Provo City Center Temple (where he would be proposing) to get a feel for the layout. At this point, I was very cold and tired. I finally got to go to bed and had hopes of sleeping in the next morning. However, I awoke to a text telling me that plans had changed and we needed to make it happen less than an hour from when I received the text. We quickly rushed to the temple and took our places. Although we were rushed, we managed to get all set up only to find out that the couple ended up being an hour and half late!! When they finally arrived, it turned out great! But it wasn’t without a few hitches on the way.

              While waiting for them in the snow, we were all pondering the “So what?” or “Is this really worth it?” questions. At the end of the day, I don’t think any of us regret the temporary sacrifices we made. Why? Well because it was a special moment for this great couple and an experience that we received to support one of our best friends. This life is so beautiful because of the experiences like the one I just described. If life was just ritualistic and perfect all the time, I don’t think I would remember to appreciate the special moments life has to offer.

              It would have been so easy for me to focus on and remember that day as the day that we stayed up late and waited in the snow. I am so grateful that at least in this instance I was able to maintain the right perspective on the situation. I fear that I have missed out or will miss out on other great memories if I focus too much on my difficulties and sacrifices. I believe that all of us could benefit from seeking to focus on the positive aspects of every experience as opposed to remembering the hard times. I want to make it my personal goal this week to try to avoid fixating too long on the negative and cherish even the simplest of positives in my life.


  1. I helped my friend propose a couple weeks ago. He had us snowshoe a mile and a half and set up a little display. You're right. It's harder than you think!

  2. That's really fun! I guess that's the nature of sacrifice, that you give something to get something that's even better. Thanks for that Tyler :)

  3. I'm glad it was well documented. I did not have my proposal videotaped. Memories change a little each time you remember them. Thanks for making your friend have an amazing proposal.

  4. I agree. Too many times our minds are focused on the negative aspects of life that we miss out on the small memorable moments. 10 years down the road, most likely we won't remember the negative times that specific day, but we might actually remember those happy memorable moments.


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