To New Beginnings...

For some, change can be a dreaded but unavoidable part of life. Having recently returned from a two-year volunteer service mission where almost nothing was constant or consistent, change has actually become something that I look forward to and enjoy. So far I like my classes despite the foreseeable difficulty. Although I like school and my current friends,  I'd have to say that my favorite part of a new semester has to be the new opportunities to meet new people.

This week, I had the opportunity to meet Caiden Wilkens. I met Caiden through a mutual friend: John Lindsay. John and I met while serving our missions together in Dallas, Texas. We lived together for a couple months a grew to be close friends. Before his mission, John roomed with Caiden so I heard many stories about Caiden long before I got the chance to finally meet him this week. Caiden is from Missouri and just returned home from a mission in Sacramento, California.

We met briefly when I went over to their apartment earlier this week, but I got to know him on a much more personal level tonight when we went to the Richards Building on campus to play some basketball. I love meeting new people that enjoy doing the same things I do. It makes developing a friendship effortless. I am sure we will be spending a lot of time together this semester.

In fact, we all had so much fun tonight, that we made plans to go camping tomorrow night to enjoy this weekend. Even though there is not much time between now and then, we still need to really solidify our plans.

Does anyone know of any good camping around this time of year? We were considering going to hot springs, any recommendations?

I may not get a response before we go, but I am sure this will not be the last time I go camping while in Utah.

Picture to come!!


  1. Tyler, like we spoke about in class yesterday I also served my mission in Sacramento, California! I've heard of Elder Wilkens even though I don't know him on a personal level. At this time of year if you want to go camping anywhere without snow you will probably have to hit southern Utah (goblin valley, zions, bryce canyon) are some of my favorites. I cannot guarantee it will be too warm though! Hope that helps!

  2. Meeting new people can be a great, positive experience. Many new people I have met have helped to expand my network and vice versa.


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