For Time and All Eternity

Last week I wrote about the special opportunity I had to film one of my best friends' proposals. This week; however, I had the opportunity this past week to attend the sealing and reception of another one of my good friends from my mission.

He was married in the Bountiful, Utah temple. It was BEAUTIFUL! As I am sure many of you are aware, Utah is covered in snow, and this just added to the beauty of this temple. I had never been to the Bountiful temple so it was a pleasant discovery. I definitely support my friend’s decision to get married there. I am not familiar with many temples in Utah or very many across the world and would be very curious to hear what you think. What is your favorite LDS temple? (Please click on the link to answer)

As some of my closest friends are reaching these large milestones in their lives, I have really learned the effect that marriage has on your future.

What I mean is that you have to be so careful! Over the past two weeks, I have seen my friends decide who they want to spend time and all eternity with, and I am so excited for them! Thankfully I approve of who they are/or have married because otherwise I would be very worried about what their future entails.

I personally am not anywhere close to getting married, but when I do get closer to making that decision I know that I will be very careful in making that commitment. It is such an exciting time that I very much look forward to!


  1. I've learned that often your friends know you better than you know yourself. This really applies to getting in relationships - they can usually tell before you do if things won't work out. So, if they're really looking out for you, their advice can be super helpful a lot of the time!

  2. Marriage is a very important decision. I am happy with the decision that I made to marry to woman that I did.


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