To Logan and Back in Less than 24 Hours

Many of my closest friend, and even my brother, live in Logan, Utah as they attend Utah State University. This semester I have been busier than I was last semester, so I hadn’t been able to see my brother or my friends since winter break. A visit was long overdue, but I was having trouble finding time to drive to Logan.

At 6:00 p.m. on Saturday night, my friend Caiden and I decided impulsively to go drive up to Logan for the night and to drive back tomorrow afternoon. This whirlwind of a trip had lots of potential in our minds and it was a risk we were willing to take.

Unfortunately, the night did not play out as we fanaticized it could in our minds. When we arrived the friends that I was so excited to see already had set plans for the night that couldn’t really be shifted around too easily. The one thing that Caiden expressed he wanted to do, was to go into the hot tub. When we finally made it into the hot tub, the hot tub wasn’t very hot. To make matters worse, I was given a parking ticket by the Logan Police department for parking on the side of the road.

Even though the night didn’t turn out the way we would have hoped, I recognize that our lack of planning was largely to blame for our lackluster night. My friends felt bad they couldn’t hang out with me more that night and wished I would have given them more notice that I was coming.

Given the circumstances, I think the moral of the story is that we can miss out on a lot of opportunities in life if we fail to plan in advance. Sometimes we can skid by without proper planning, but as my weekend proved, often we cannot.


  1. I'm a planner when it comes to doing stuff, so I have to agree that yes planning does help things go more smoothly! I do believe though that there should be a good balance of a plan and being willing to go with the flow. Sometimes something better than the original plan will come up and it's best to seize it rather than letting it slip past for the plans sake.

  2. It was a risky plan and I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you were hoping! However, I agree with Spencer that there needs to be a balance between planning and spontaneity.


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