The Age of Technology

I had an interesting experience this past week. In my management communications class this past week, we were asked to produce a formal business proposal. The interesting this that I wanted to comment on isn’t the intricacies of our business proposal, but was the fact that we were able to complete this group project 100% without meeting in person. We were able to communicate via google hangouts and then have a live google doc that we could all edit simultaneously.

This experience has caused me a lot of reflection. I personally had never used a google doc before and it was shocking to me how well it worked!!

I can’t help but admire how fast technology has shaped the world as we know it. Our capabilities today are leaps and bound ahead of what they were when my parents went to school. In almost every industry, technology has shaped it to be near unrecognizable from what is used to be before the influence of computers and technology.

Unfortunately, it can be all too easy to take technology for granted or recognize how lucky we are to be given so many tools. In my experience, we have become an entitled and prideful generation where our biggest frustrations might be our slow internet or lack of cell service. I am going to try this upcoming week to stop to appreciate the new technologies with hopes that these little grievances won’t be such a bother.  


  1. Thanks for keeping things in perspective. Technology can be such a blessing in our lives and we shouldn't be so quick to forget it! Your post helps me see how well we really have it when you start to think about the way that things COULD be.

  2. That's true. I don't appreciate Google docs nearly enough! Or any technology for that matter... Whenever I am in a car all I can think about is, "Gosh, when are they finally going to put WiFi in cars?" I don't even stop to appreciate the fact that the video I am watching or the call I am making is enabled because my phone is somehow sending signals to outer space and receiving back signals in the form of a video or audio! It blows my mind, it really does.

  3. It's crazy to think about how far technology has come in our lifetimes alone. I can only imagine the kind of life my grandchildren will live! I'm interested to see how humanity's relationship with technology changes over time.

  4. Technology is super nice! We do take it for granted though, I know I complain about slow internet all the time! Having to wait 20 seconds for my web search to load really isn't that bad. I'll have to take a step back this next week and appreciate the technology that we enjoy every day.

  5. I think that it's funny you wrote about this topic, that same week i was working with my group on a google doc, and in the middle of it, i just stopped and started going off on how lucky we were to grow up in an age where that is not only possible, but free, and available to everyone. what a unique opportunity. thank you for sharing!


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