What Would Life Be Like?

This week I learned in my Doctrine and Covenant class I learned something that has caused me a lot of reflection. We learned that Doctrine and Covenants Section 89, the Word of Wisdom, was not originally a commandment but a suggested health code. It wasn’t until the 1920’s till the Word of Wisdom was enforced as a commandment as we know it to be now.

The part that fascinates me, however, is that during the abolition period in American history, the saints voted to repeal abolition and make alcohol legal again. Abiding by the Word of Wisdom is one of the biggest separators between Latter-Day Saints and the rest of the world, and one of the key principles is the consumption of alcohol. Growing up in a primarily non-religious community, I always wondered what life would be like if all my other friends lived the same standards we do.

Secondly, what is most surprising to me is that most saints went against prophetic counsel and voted in favor of alcohol even though by commandment they couldn’t drink it.

As a church, I believe that we are doing a little bit better than in years past. Although, we are in a day and age where there are political proposals and societal challenges to the morals and values that we have established through prophetic counsel. I believe we would be very wise to give strict heed to the recommendations given to us by our church leaders as I am sure we have only seen signs of what is to come.


  1. That's very interesting I didn't know much of that! In this day and age we have so many resources and places we can turn to to get good answers to our questions. However, we also have more controversial topics to deal with than in days past. I wholeheartedly agree, listening to the council of the Lord is the best way to go!

  2. Source please. I feel like there are multiple sides to this story. I thought that the saints did not vote in the vote for/against alcohol, so the not Mormon population voted for it.

    Also I was under the impression that it was a good thing for us to legalize a drug/food called alcohol because the creation of the Mafia was due to the huge margins from bootlegging the alcohol. Also, I will make the argument that in today's day and age, the best practice to fight drugs is to legalize and tax them to fund the fight against them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_liberalization.

  3. There is no doubt that following the brethren will only become more and more important as we move into a confusing future. Thank you for your insight!


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